News / Press
Today Tecno Office Consult is THE contact for all questions about office real estate.
(Posts only in German)

Photo series of new office worlds.
3. October 2022/by Julia PortnerBürowelten_Immobilien…

World of Working: espionage-proof embassies
Australien and New Zealand Embassy
29. September 2022/by Julia Portner092022_Arbeitswelten

New office worlds for vienna Embassies
Design meets Tradition.
31. May 2022/by Julia Portner052022_Trend_NeueBürowelten

Energy as a future topic of the real estate industry
Discussions at the 5 o´clock tea - Is the energy turnaround…
31. May 2022/by Julia Portner
Planning without boundaries
An article about the Australian Embassy in The Icon Vienna that…
29. March 2022/by Julia Portner
After the pandemic is before the pandemic
Real Circle #23
15. November 2021/by Julia Portner112021_ImmoFokus_Pandemie

Full-service solution for real estate projects
Thoughts composed to a menu.
15. November 2021/by Julia Portner112021_ImmoFokus_Full-Servic…

Digital building submission
The digital construction process is supposed to represent a major…
15. November 2021/by Julia Portner
Eating at home? Company restaurants after Covid-19
Discussions at the 5 o´clock-Tea – What will office canteens…
29. October 2021/by Julia Portner
A market with new inner values
Structures in offices are shifting, giving rise to completely…
2. October 2021/by Julia Portner
Wood vs. concrete: Unequal opponents?
Diskussion beim 5 o`clock Tea: Nachhaltigkeit im Bau
25. June 2021/by Julia Portner0625…

Future of retail after COVID19
Discussions at the 5 o´clock-Tea – Is the retail industry…
10. May 2021/by Julia Portner
Efficient Office
Why good planning enriches the working world.
4. May 2021/by Julia PortnerImmobilie_I…

Do we still need offices?
Consequences and impact of COVID on the office.
2. October 2020/by Julia Portner2010_094_…

Five theses for the time “afterwards”.
What will the working world look like after COVID-19?
28. September 2020/by Julia Portner092…

Rigid room solutions as a discontinued model
The many developments of the office space and its justificat…
15. September 2020/by Julia Portner
Home Office reloaded
Are there changes coming to housing as a result of the home …
7. July 2020/by Julia Portner
Everything new in the office – for real this time.
Consequences of Covid-19 on the Office.
An interview with…
10. June 2020/by Julia PortnerAn interview with…

Headquarters remain important
How the view toward home offices changed in the time of COVI…
15. May 2020/by Julia Portner
Unequal brothers, equal projects?
Disucssions at the 5 o´clock-Tea - Speculative investors versus…
8. April 2020/by Julia Portner
The headquarters decide
Is the international standardization of offices pushing away…
16. March 2020/by Julia Portner
Generation Why
Is the office the image of its current generation?
8. January 2020/by Julia Portner012020…
Archive 2019
Nachlese Presseartikel 2019
31. December 2019/by Julia Portner
The office from the other side of the world
Diskussion beim 5 o´clock Tea - Are global office concepts wasting…
16. November 2019/by Julia Portner
City, not wasteland
Discussions at the 5 o´clock Tea - How can Vienna grow properly?
15. June 2019/by Julia Portner"…

When fiction becomes reality.
Discussions at the 5 o´clock Tea - How smart should the office…
27. April 2019/by Julia Portner
Co-working Spaces – Ein Markt der Zukunft?
Diskussion beim 5 o'clock Tea - Co-working Spaces dringend g…
13. February 2019/by Julia PortnerArchive 2018
Nachlese Presseartikel 2018
31. December 2018/by Julia Portner
The Hen and Egg Principle
" Das Henne-Ei Prinzip" (PDF)
Immobilien Magazin, Presse,…
3. October 2018/by Julia PortnerImmobilien Magazin, Presse,…
Archive 2017
Nachlese Presseartikel 2017
31. December 2017/by Julia Portner
When buildings shape us
Immobilien Magazin, 10 2017
Corporate Identity, Unternehmenskultur, effizientes Arbeiten
14. October 2017/by tashiCorporate Identity, Unternehmenskultur, effizientes Arbeiten

The hacked office
When stuffy spaces turn into green-areas.
Die Presse - Arbeitswelten…
1. October 2017/by Julia PortnerDie Presse - Arbeitswelten…

Brexit as an opportunity for office relocation.
The United Kingdom's exit from the EU, i.e. Brexit, has activated…
1. October 2017/by Julia Portner
Using Brexit as an opportunity for business relocation
The United Kingdom's exit from the EU, i.e. Brexit, has activated…
1. October 2017/by Julia Portner
To what extent does architecture influence corporate culture?
Discussions at the 5 o´clock Tea - Can architecture influence…
22. September 2017/by Julia Portner
New office space
New office space for Coca-Cola HBC in Vienna.
1. August 2017/by Julia Portnerarchitektur.aktuell…

Office structures are changing
Interview with Ewald Stückler - Office space of the future
1. June 2017/by Julia PortnerMedia…

Inwieweit beeinflusst Architektur die Unternehmenskultur?
5 o'clock tea : Immobilien Magazin online, 10 2017
Aufzeichnung der Live-Übertragung
25. May 2017/by tashiAufzeichnung der Live-Übertragung

Metamorphosis for real estate
Metamorphose für Immobilien
Immobilien Magazin, 05 2017
23. May 2017/by Julia PortnerImmobilien Magazin, 05 2017

Refreshing working worlds
The new work culture has been reflected in the international…
1. May 2017/by Julia Portner
The areas will find their market
Die Immobilienbranche sieht sich für einen möglichen Exodus…
7. April 2017/by Julia Portner
The newest offices in comparison
Who has the best public transport connections, the lowest operating…
1. April 2017/by Julia Portner
New Coca Cola HBC World
Feel-good work at the new location with innovative office concept.
1. April 2017/by Julia PortnerCube…

More than a work place
Hardly any asset class has undergone such rapid change in recent…
1. February 2017/by Julia Portner
„Round Table Büromarkt Wien, QUO VADIS?“ (Video)
11. January 2017/by tashiImmobilien…
Archive 2016
Nachlese Presseartikel 2016
31. December 2016/by tashiArchive 2015
Nachlese Presseartikel 2015
31. December 2015/by tashiT.O.C. Award
T.O.C. is allowed to use the federal coat of arms in business…
12. July 2015/by tashiArchive 2014
Nachlese Presseartikel 2014
31. December 2014/by tashi
13. May 2014/by tashiArchive 2013
Nachlese Presseartikel 2013
31. December 2013/by tashiArchive 2012
Nachlese Presseartikel 2012
31. December 2012/by tashi